Decision making, mistakes and Growing up shit
I would call myself one level-headed person with very good instincts and one who doesn't jump into conclusions when i am making decisions. I think the spontaneous side sort of stopped growing as i got older. I get silly sometimes and i get low as well. On the long run though, i tend to look at myself and think i just went a little out of the box but its ok...It is not as bad as it seems. I have also made mistakes in decision making as well am not superman or wonderwoman you know! I have been considering a couple of things...(why does it seem to me that i keep considering a lot in the last couple of days? :-)
( Pondering was really not made for the faint hearted ) Anyway after considering a couple of things that have been stepping on my toes... I wondered about decision making and the right way to go about it.
Ah well guess what? Even though Forbes Magazine has written about 6 Tips for Making Better Decisions
(the article was really good) what am trying to say is that you will still make mistakes. You will make mistakes in choosing some of your friends, you will make mistakes in deciding which step you want to take next in your career path, My GOD you will make mistakes even dealing with your children or family. It doesn't mean that you are a bad person or you should work out a formula on decision making or mistakes. It means you are freakin human which is a good thing (just had a thought about if all of us had a an alien in us like in MIB * lifts eyebrow*).
I remember how i so wanted to be grown up and now i think to myself no one really really said what it means to be grown! It means making decisions (right decisions), Making mistakes and learning from them and through the process we actually do grow up. Sometimes i look back and think hey if i hadn't made this mistake or chosen this path i would have never learnt this or that about myslef. Its a process with an infinite cycle so you really do not stop growing, deciding and making mistakes throughout your life.